Case Studies

Case Study 1

We helped a young professional who had already purchased an investment property (a unit in Sydney). This client was switched on and wanted to continue to invest but the banks would not lend him the required funds. So, Mark helped his client together with his specialist investment brokers refinance the existing unit and combined with a new valuation allowed the young professional to qualify for further finance and purchase another small home in QLD with a strong cash flow positive return. Instead of only having one property achieving strong growth in the current market he is benefiting from having two properties in the current market.

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Case Study 2

We helped a young couple who could not invest right now set goals and timetables for when they could invest in the future. They didn’t have a suitable deposit just yet but did have a good savings record. Mark sat them down and discussed the market, what was expected from the banks, discussed some potential strategies for the future and both parties agreed to get in touch in 12-months’ time by which time thanks to Mark’s property tips, they should be financially fit enough to invest in their first property. PanVest Property does not charge any fees to simply have a conversation on the possibilities. Book a time to meet with Mark to see what you can do, and importantly, when you can do it.

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Case Study 3

We helped recently separated client who was very anxious about entering the property market. The client was anxious because he was spending a lot of money on this investment and he needed to be sure that the research was in place, the vacancy rates low, that people were moving into the area, that infrastructure was being built. In other words that the property had great fundamental qualities. Mark led him through the property benefits and provided the research on the property. The client was comforted by Marks thorough insight into the property and in the end was confident to proceed with a great property in Rothwell, Qld, near the water, just north of Brisbane.

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Case Study 4

We helped a young couple who could not afford their dream of buying a home in Sydney right away because they did not have the required deposit. So, a strategy was put in place where they decided to RentVest and let the property market help them build a deposit for the future. They continued to rent in Sydney and they bought a high yielding property in QLD and their strategy was to use the property as a savings focus in the interim with the goal to sell the investment property at a suitable point in the future and bring the positive cashflow, equity increases and savings into the mortgage back to Sydney to use as a deposit for their family home.

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Case Study 5

We helped a couple soon to be married. They were initially unsure whether they wanted to purchase a home or investment property. Mark went through all the options but after discussing extra cashflow brought on by strong rents, low interest rates and tax deductions that come with a new investment property that they could not get with a home, they decided to RentVest in Sydney and focus on the investment instead.

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    Having at least $105K in Cash &/or Equity allows you to purchase property from approx. $750k, assuming a 10% deposit, stamp duty, LMI, legals etc.